Çok ünlü bir Zen atasözü vardır
`Yürürken yürü, yemek yerken yemek ye, uyurken uyu`
Çevremdeki insanlara (ve bir ayna vasıtasıyla kendime) bakıyorum da, sanırım tarih boyunca hiçbir zaman
bu ilkeden bu kadar uzaklaşmış olamayız. Baksanıza tek bir işi bile düzgün beceremiyen (güya multitasking) Windows işletim sisteminde (gözünü sevdiğimin Amiga`sı), bir taraftan ICQ`dan yazışırken, bir taraftan Internet`de haber yazıyor, bir taraftan da sırtım dönük televizyondan bir film `dinliyorum`
Yürürken sadece bir angarya yapıyoruz, yemek yerken bilgisayarla uğraşıyoruz, uyurken televizyon seyrediyoruz. Yani hiçbir işi tam yapmıyoruz...
Man#1: I think you should see this.
Woman#1: It's just a kid.
Rock Guy: This is a G cord. (Strums his guitar)
Man#1: He's learning. Absorbing. He's getting smarter every day.
Anthropologist: Homo habilis was the first to use tools.
Coach Wooden: A player who makes a team great is more valuable than a great player. Losing yourself in the group, for the good of the group, that's teamwork.
Man#1: It's happening fast.
Astrologer: We've always watched the stars. If you look at the sky, you can see the beginning of time.
Mr. Gates: Collecting data is only the first step toward wisdom. But sharing data is the first step toward community.
Poet: Poetry. There's not much glory in poetry, only achievement.
Voice: Knowledge amplification. What he learns, we all learn. What he knows, we all benefit from.
Ms. Nasar: One little thing can solve an incredibly complex problem.
Ms. Marshall: Everything's about timing kid.
CEO: This is business. Faster. Better. Cheaper. Constant improvement.
Pilot: So, you wanna fly, huh? Wind speed, thrust, it's physics.
Latin Teacher: Res publica non dominetur.
Plumber: Plumbing, it's all about the tools.
Ali: Speak your mind. Don't back down.
Cut to camera panning over boy's head into white.
Woman#1: Does he have a name?
Man#1: His name is Linux.