Linux şöyle iyi, böyle iyi, şöyle güvenilir, böyle verimli vs. vs. Laf laf laf... Bu sefer dedik ki biraz daha ileriye gidelim ve bakalım bu dediklerimiz ne kadar doğru, Linux ne kadar keyifli, işe yarar bir şey, masaüstünde devamlı çakılıp duran pencerelerimizle nasıl yapsak da karşılaştırsak ve bu projeye için kolları sıvadık
Proje basitçe şu, biz Fazlamesai ekibi olarak, yeni başlayan kullanıcıları baz alarak, evinizde, işyerinizde herhangibir makinanıza, adım adım nasıl Linux kurabilirsiniz, bunu anlatacağız ve her adımda karşılaşılabilen problemleri, bunların çözümlerini burada açtığımız bir forumdan sizlerle paylaşacağız. Ne dersiniz, var mısınız Linux kurmaya ?
Man#1: I think you should see this.
Woman#1: It's just a kid.
Rock Guy: This is a G cord. (Strums his guitar)
Man#1: He's learning. Absorbing. He's getting smarter every day.
Anthropologist: Homo habilis was the first to use tools.
Coach Wooden: A player who makes a team great is more valuable than a great player. Losing yourself in the group, for the good of the group, that's teamwork.
Man#1: It's happening fast.
Astrologer: We've always watched the stars. If you look at the sky, you can see the beginning of time.
Mr. Gates: Collecting data is only the first step toward wisdom. But sharing data is the first step toward community.
Poet: Poetry. There's not much glory in poetry, only achievement.
Voice: Knowledge amplification. What he learns, we all learn. What he knows, we all benefit from.
Ms. Nasar: One little thing can solve an incredibly complex problem.
Ms. Marshall: Everything's about timing kid.
CEO: This is business. Faster. Better. Cheaper. Constant improvement.
Pilot: So, you wanna fly, huh? Wind speed, thrust, it's physics.
Latin Teacher: Res publica non dominetur.
Plumber: Plumbing, it's all about the tools.
Ali: Speak your mind. Don't back down.
Cut to camera panning over boy's head into white.
Woman#1: Does he have a name?
Man#1: His name is Linux.