Java SUN'ı Yerken

Jonathan Schwartz'ın ( 23 ağustos 2007 tarihli gönderisine göre SUN'ın NASDAQ etiketi "SUNW"'dan "JAVA"'ya çevrildi.
Birçok kişi için anlamsız gelebilecek bu hareket için çok çeşitli yorumlar blog ortamlarında uçuşmaya başladı bile:

Belki de Bill Joy gerçekten SUN'dan ayrılmak ile iyi etmiştir.


Jonathan'in blogunu okudum. Anlamaya calistim. Anlamadim. Kendi icinde tutarli gozukse de luzumsuz bir adim olmus. Bu da CEO'nun sirketi nereye goturmeye calistigi sorusunu tekrar alevlendirecek. Kestirip atmak istesek diyebiliriz ki zarfi bosver mazruf'a bak. Ama sirketi yakindan takip edenler bilir ki aslinda bu cussede sirket icin cok onemli sayilabilecek kararlar - ki bence olumlu - birbiri ardina geliyor. Sun'in yeri enterprise olmali. Desktop'ta kendini nasil konumlandiracak merak konusu. Bekleyip gorecegiz. As I said, the number of people who know Java swamps the number of people who know Sun. Or SUNW, the symbol under which Sun Microsystems, Inc. equity is traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange. SUNW certainly has some nostalgic value - it stands for "Stanford University Network Workstation," and heralds back to Sun's cherished roots (in academia). Granted, lots of folks on Wall Street know SUNW, given its status as among the most highly traded stocks in the world (the SUNW symbol shows up daily in the listings of most highly traded securities). But SUNW represents the past, and its not without a nostalgic nod that we've decided to look ahead. JAVA is a technology whose value is near infinite to the internet, and a brand that's inseparably a part of Sun (and our profitability). And so next week, we're going to embrace that reality by changing our trading symbol, from SUNW to JAVA. This is a big change for us, capitalizing on the extraordinary affinity our teams have invested to build, introducing Sun to new investors, developers and consumers. Most know Java, few know Sun - we can bring the two one step closer. To be very clear, this isn't about changing the company name or focus - we are Sun, we are a systems company, and we will always be a derivative of the students that created us, Stanford University Network is here to stay. But we are no longer simply a workstation company, nor a company whose products can be limited by one category - and Java does a better job of capturing exactly that sentiment than any other four letter symbol. Java means limitless opportunity - for our software, systems, storage, service and microelectronics businesses. And for the open source communities we shepherd. What a perfect ticker.
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Selamlar ;

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Adres :

Saygılar, Altug B. Altıntaş

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