This is sure to get on /. soon, enjoy the server while it still stands.
compared to the situation years ago, it''''s roughly the same amount of work to get a patch into the official kernel, which i think is very good - it''''s a tribute to Linus. (his patch-integration and patch-steering work has increased an order of magnitude as well. So during the years Linus not only had to care about the scalability of Linux as a technology, but he also had to scale and form his own workload.)Yaw bir arkadaş çevirse bu röportajı da herkes istifade this point i think it''''s fair to mention BitKeeper, which, not being open-source code, ruffled some feathers (mine included). While as an open-source purist one can see the disadvantages of BK, i also have to note the kind of improvements it brought. Patches are now getting into the Linux kernel in a more predictable way, and also in a faster way (than say a year ago) - and this is clearly due to BK giving Linus more flexibility. BK also gives a number of very useful tools when searching for bugs or integrating code - eg. i can see which line was last modified by which person, and i can navigate the changes in a quick and logical way. I have worked with a number of source-control packages before (even with some of the ''''big'''' closed-code ones), but BK definitely tops them all. While from the ''''big'''' source control packages i had the impression that they are the manager''''s best friend, BK is definitely the developer''''s best friend. Which, for a project like Linux, is the single most important factor.
There are three licenses under which BitKeeper may be used:Debian listelerinde de tartışılan ilginç bir lisans şekli bu gerçekten:* BKCL - a commercial license for the traditional commercial customers who want supported and maintained products;
* BKL - a free use license for people who wish to use the software for free and participate in Open Logging ;
* BKSRC - a source license for people who wish to access the source.
The goal of the BitKeeper business model is to maximize value to three groups:İlgilenenler için linux`un bitkeeper depoları da şurda.* The Free Software users.
People in this group tend to want the product for free, want to know that they are not dependent on the vendor for support, and need to know they can get the source and fix it themselves should that be necessary.
* The commercial users.
People in this group are willing to pay for the product, want to know that the vendor will be there next year to support the product, and they want to know that the costs are shared by having a large base of customers all of whom are paying for the product.
* The vendor.
The vendor wants to generate a profit which is then used to pay for support and enhancements to the current product as well as fund development of the next product.
BitMover`s business model makes sure that everyone gets as much as possible of what they really need. Traditional free software licenses are trying to make sure that the free software community is getting free software, but ignore the needs of the other two groups.
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-Canım memleketimde Linux çekirdeğindeki scheduler yapısını teorik+pratik bazda ele alan babayiğitlerin illere göre dağılımı nedir ve bunlar kaç adet elin parmaklarına tekabül etmektedir?
-Benzer şekilde scheduler ile virtual memory arasındaki bağlantıyı pratik+teorik şekilde alan vatandaşların içinde TC Nüfus Belgesine sahip olan kaç kişidir?
-Bu kernek hacker diye tabir edilen canlı türünün doğal ortamı nedir, ne yer ne içer, ne tip koşullarda yetişir? Ev ortamı, okul ortamı, sosyoekonomik durumu nasıldır? Bu parametreler global coğrafya üzerinde nasıl bir değişim sergiler?
Benim bu pseudo-geyik yazıma ciddi olarak müdahale edebilecek kişiler nerededir?
Evet, Türkiye bu soruların yanıtlarını bekliyor!