İngilizce konuşma özeti aşağıdaki gibidir:
"With the discovery of quantum computation the security of public key cryptography is threatened. On the other hand quantum communication offers us new revolutionary posibilities in cryptograhy. Using quntum communication we can expand cryptographic keys as much as we please using "quantum key exchange protocols". In this seminar we will briefly introduce quantum computation, and take a look at how close (or rather far away) we are to implementing quantum computers. The central part of the seminar is about a simple variant of the famous "Bennett, Brassard Qunatum Key Distribution Protocol" (often called BB84). The BB84 protocol has already been implemented and can be bought online!"
Seminer halka açık olup 10 Kasım 2005 Perşembe günü, Dolapdere Kampüsü'ndeki Mahkeme Salonunda, saat 17:00'da başlayacaktır.
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Bilimleri bölümünce düzenlenen haftalık seminer dizisinin bu haftaki konuğu Aarhus Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Bilimleri bölümünden Thomas Pedersen.