Makale icinde eklemeyi unutmusum Quanta ile beraber fonksiyon tamamlama ve fonksiyonlar icin yardimci kutular da geliyor.
Bunun icin (dokumanlar icinde yer almiyor bende cok baktim ozelllikler bolumune ama herhangi bir seyden bahsedilmiyor.Ben bir ekran gorunuttusunde rastladigim icin farkettim bu ozelligi ve ondan sonra deneme yanilma yontemi ile buldum.)
CTRL+SPACE(ara cubuk veya bosluk da deniliyor) tuslarinin kullanilmasi gerekiyor...
Ok simdi dogru duzgun bir editorumuz olduguna gore yorumun devaminda sizlere hangi programlarin isinize yarayacagini anlatabiliriz
1.SSH programi (Oktayin dedigini ben kullandim ama hep cokuyor) cok iyi degil yani :) .Ben windows uzerinden ekmegini yiyen biri olarak sizi gercek windows SSH istemci ile tanistiriacam :
Bu dosyayi eger programin tasarimcisi olan sirketin web sitesinde ararsaniz havanizi alirsiniz :)
Ben bir kez kaybettim ve sitede tekrar bulmam bir kac saatime patladi.Sizin de ayni seylerle ugrasacaginizi dusunerek size dogrudan adresi veriyorum :
Sirketin web sitesinden arama yaparak bulup indirmek mumkun olmuyor.Program ucretsiz.Yanliz kisisel kullanimlar icin lisansli.Lisans omur boyu gecerli,
Bu SSH kral diyebilirim.Cokmuyor ve butun ozellikleri icinde barindiriyor.,En onemli ozelligi ise dosyalari sunucu uzerinde dogrudan duzenleyebilmesi .Boylece mesela sunucu uzerinde config.php gibi programi "open" deyince bir kopyasini makinenize indiriyor ve makinenizdeki notepad.exe ile aciyor.(Notepad.exe yi kendi editorunuz veya gvim gibi gelismi bir seyle degistirdiniz degil mi?)
Herneyse isleminizi bitirince dogrudan CTRL+S yapiyorsunuz ve islem tamam size dosya degisti sunucudaki dosya ile degisitirlmesini istiyormusunuz diye soruyor(bu sorulmadan da dosgrudan siz CTRL+S yapinca sunucudaki dosyayi guncelleyebilirsiniz.)
Soruya evet diyorsunuz ve islem tamam!
Ben kisiel olarak MED editor'u kullaniyorum.PHP icin dosylari duzenlemek istedigimde sunucuya baglanip istedigim dosyalari SSH programinda saga tiklayarak "OPEN" yapiyorum ve duzenleme islemim bittiginda "SAVE ALL" yapiyorum ISLEM TAMAM :)
Ben kisiel olarak bu SSH programindan daha iyisiniz ve her ozelligini icinde barindiran ucretsiz bir program bulamadim windows icin, Tavsiye ederim denemenzii..
2.MySQL icin gelismis bir arayuz ariyorsaniz size SYSLog programini tavsiye ederim.Ucrestzi ve omurboyu kullanim lisansi ile geliyor :
Pisman olmayacaginiz cok guzel bir program.MySQL icin yapabileceklerini burda saymakla bitiremem!
3.HEX Editor olarak Hackman diyorum
Guzel ve ucretsiz bir editor.Yetenekleri cok fazla olan bir program Tavsiye edilir!
1.Windows altinda ilk yapmaniz gereken sey "notepad.exe" yi silip yerine GVIM veya MED yazi editorunu eklemektir.(Exe dosyasini notepad.exe haline getirip windows klasoru altina kopyalamak.)
Kolay is degildir bu !
Once notepad.exe yi silin ve neler olduguna bakin :)
Windows yerine hemen yenisini koyuyuor :)
Eger arada gecen iki uc saniye icinde notepad.exe yi silip ayni klasorde gvim.exe yi notepad.exe yapmayi basarisaniz -ki iki uc saniyelik bir sure icinde ben basardim- ama genede fayda etmiyor windows nereden buluyorsa buluyor ve notepad.exe geri geliyor, (sizin degisiklik yaptiginiz dosya silinuiyor ve 65 KB lik noteopad.exe geliyor)
Windows bir sekilde Checksum yapiyor ve bu dosyayi kendi orjinali ile degisitiyor!
Cozum icin google da uzun aramlar yaptim ve insanlarin cok sikayetci oldugunu gordum.Herkes cozum ariyor kimse bulamiyordu!
Ben iki sayfada buldugum cozumleri birlestirince sonuca ulastim.(Her iki sayfada olanlari birlestirmeden mumkun degil sonuca gidilemiyor...)
Yapilmasi gerekenler :
Buraya alinti yapiyorum :
Open your registry and find the key below.
Change the value of "SFCDisable" to equal "ffffff9d" to disable WFS or "0" to enable it. The other valid hexadecimal values are:
1 - disabled, prompt at boot to re-enable
2 - disabled at next boot only, no prompt to re-enable
4 - enabled, with popups disabled
ffffff9d - for completely disabled
Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Additional Steps for Windows 2000 Service Pack 2 and Windows XP
This setting is disabled in Windows 2000 SP2 and Windows XP, and needs to re-enabled using a hex editor and changing SFC.DLL (or SFC_OS.DLL for Windows XP) following these instructions:
Windows 2000 SP2
Make a backup the SFC.DLL in the C:WINNTSYSTEM32 directory.
Make an additional copy of SFC.DLL called SFC1.DLL and open it in a hex editor.
At offset 00006211 (6211h) you should find the values "8B" and "C6". Do not continue if you are unable to find these values.
Change the values "8B C6" to read "90 90" and save the changes.
Run these commands to update the system files:
copy c:winntsystem32sfc1.dll c:winntsystem32sfc.dll /y
copy c:winntsystem32sfc1.dll c:winntsystem32dllcachesfc.dll /y
If you are prompted to insert the Windows CD, click Cancel.
Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Windows XP
Make a backup the SFC_OS.DLL in the C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32 directory.
Make an additional copy of SFC_OS.DLL called SFC_OS1.DLL and open it in a hex editor.
Windows XP (no Service Pack)
At offset 0000E2B8 (0E2B8h) you should find the values "8B" and "C6".
Windows XP (Service Pack 1)
At offset 0000E3BB (0E3BBh) you should find the values "8B" and "C6".
Do not continue if you are unable to find these values.
Change the values "8B C6" to read "90 90" and save the changes.
Run these commands to update the system files:
copy c:windowssystem32sfc_os1.dll c:windowssystem32sfc_os.dll /y
copy c:windowssystem32sfc_os1.dll c:windowssystem32dllcachesfc_os.dll /y
If you are prompted to insert the Windows CD, click Cancel.
Restart Windows for the change to take effect.
Once these files have been updated apply the registry setting above.
Note: You must manually modify the operating system files using a hex editor to allow this tweak to disable SFC on Windows 2000 (SP1+) or Windows XP.
Tamam simdi bu ilk asamaydi ve hic bir **** ise yaramiyor :( Windows gene bildigini yapiyor!
Ama yukaridakileri yapmadan ikinci asamaya gecemekde cozum degil
2.Asamada c:I386 klasorudeki ve c:windowssystem32dllcache klasorlerindeki bazi dosyalari silmek gerekiyor.
Evet ister inanin ister inanmayin ama FIND (BUL) kullanilarak yapilan aramalrda dllcache adinda vir dosya veya klasor bulunmuyor ama DOS altindan girince icine girilebiliyor.Boyle bir klasor remi olarak YOK arkadaslar.Sistem icinde bal gibi yer aliyor ama kullanicilar ulasamiyor.(Klasor gorunum secenekelrri dogru ayarlansada gorunmuyor girunmuyor :(
I386 icinde SFC_OS.DL_ gibi dosyalar goreceksiniz Hepsini silin (del SFC_*) Notepad ile baslayan butun dosyalari silin,
dllcache klasorunde SFC_OS* gibi dosyalar ve notepad.exe dosyasini goreceksiniz hepsini silin!
Simdi windowssystem32 icindeki sfc_* hepsini silin,
windows icindeki sfc ile baslayan butun dosyalari silin,
Windows size bir uyari verir ve sistem dosyalari guncellenemiyor ne yapacagiz diye sordugunda hemen cancel diyorsunuz.(Tabii sansli iseniz bu uyariyi goreceksiniz.Sansli degilseniz siz silsenizde bir yerden o dosya bulunup yerine konukuyor ve adam cildiriyor!!!!)
Sistemi tekrar acip kapayin ve VOIALA notepad.exe yi silin.GVIM kalsorunun icerigini windows altina kopyalayin ve gvim.exe yi notepad.exe olarak degistiriniz!
NOT: I386 klasoru sisteminizde yoksa sorun degil.Ben dllcache icinden dosyalari sildigim halde bu dosyalarin orjinallerini sistemde nerde buluoyor diye kafayi yerken kesfettim!
Google cache''''den sayfanin icerigine baktim ve buraya alinti yapiyorum :
Time bug back again - 2038
by Hüseyin Uslu
(nearly 35 years before the y2k38)
Introduction ........................................................... 1
The problem ............................................................ 2
A closer look on *Nix time ............................................. 3
Testing the problem .................................................... 4
Fixes? ................................................................. 5
Another Interesting Issue .............................................. 6
Resources .............................................................. 7
Notes .................................................................. 8
1 - Introduction y2k38 bug
Time is one of the most important things in our life. We use it everywhere;
In our daily life, and in data-critic applications. Most you reading this
document problably be aware of the Yeark 2K bug that was mostly used by media.
If media didn''''t show so interest on this y2k bug, probably only we the computer
geeks would be aware of it. But by media, anybody walking in the street knows
about it. Our topic in this paper is not the Y2k. But a similar problem that
we''''re approaching. From the topic you can see it''''ll occur in 2038. You can say
there is many years. Why now to think on it? This is a completely wrong idea.
Do you think that computer programmers wasn''''t aware of Y2K before? No, they knew
it but they thought like this: When time comes we can fix it. We saw the results:
A chaos happened. Software firms adding Y2K compatible label to their
products, some hardware cards for fixing, media saying our daily-life will crash.
You now that most of the crash, problems didn''''t occured. We''''re lucky.
But be sure that this doesn''''t mean we''''ll be luck with y2k38.
As you know there is many years before y2k38. But this paper''''s aim is to make
people informed about it and to make people start working on fixes. I''''ve already
read many articles on this topic. This paper will have the same ideas, my aim
is to make all ideas combined in one paper.
This paper contains ideas of mine other peoples (that wrote papers) on topic.
I''''m completely open to topic and wait for your ideas, topics, fixes.
2 - The Problem y2k38 bug
Here I''''ll discuss the problem first.
To understand the problem we must understand the unix timing. As most of you know
unix was here before 1970s. So when it was designed , designers had to gave it a
birth date for timing issues. The selected birth date was January 1 1970, 12:00:00
AM (GMT). All looks of OK up to now. In unix, there is a clock for measuring seconds
elapsed since the unix birth. This is a counter simply counting every seconds. By
kernel system calls and library functions this value is converted to Human Readable
Format. (For example February 17 2003, 13:54:04)
Problem arives here:
This seconds elapsed value, is a 32bit variable (32 bit signed). The largest value
it can handle is 2**31-1 = 2,147,483,647.
If we calculate the maximum time we can handle (since the unix birth) we''''ll see that
it''''s: January 19 2038, 03:14:07 (GMT) Tuesday.
What will be when time ticks 03:14:08 ?
Probably your *nix box will go to it''''s birth date:
- January 1 1970, 00:00:00 (GMT) Thursday
- Or December 13, 1901 20:45:52, Friday
- Or as some reports claims: December 32, 1969!
Maybe some machines will not be affected and we know that some unix vendors started
using 64bit signed time variables.With this time epoch it will be safe until December
4 4,292,277,026,596 C.E, 15:30:08 (GMT) Sunday. Which is a very very far future that
even we can not easily write it''''s date.
3 - A closer look on *Nix time y2k38 bug
In this section i''''ll try to get in deeper and try to inspect *nix code. I
selected Linux as our test & inspecting platform. I selected the 2.4.20 as kernel
version to inspect on. And for hardware specific thing, I chose the i386 as the platform.
For inspecting the code own: goto
tv_sec is the seconds elapsed since birth time, and tv_usec provides the number
of miliseconds elapsed since the last second began. Now let''''s find what time_t is.
__kernel_time_t appers in hardware specific files:
it''''s defined in:
include/asm-x86_64/posix_types.h, line 22
include/asm-ppc64/posix_types.h, line 37
include/asm-i386/posix_types.h, line 22
include/asm-mips/posix_types.h, line 29
include/asm-alpha/posix_types.h, line 23
include/asm-m68k/posix_types.h, line 22
include/asm-sparc/posix_types.h, line 13
include/asm-ppc/posix_types.h, line 24
include/asm-sparc64/posix_types.h, line 13
include/asm-arm/posix_types.h, line 34
include/asm-sh/posix_types.h, line 22
include/asm-ia64/posix_types.h, line 26
include/asm-mips64/posix_types.h, line 30
include/asm-s390/posix_types.h, line 30
include/asm-parisc/posix_types.h, line 26
include/asm-parisc/posix_types.h, line 31
include/asm-cris/posix_types.h, line 29
include/asm-s390x/posix_types.h, line 31
As we work on i386 platform, I''''ll work with include/asm-i386/posix_types.h.
include/asm-i386/posix_types.h, line 22 :
here it appears:
22 typedef long __kernel_time_t;
__kernel_time_t is a typedefed long.
As you can see here the problem arrives.
In i386 specific time.c file:
266 * This version of gettimeofday has microsecond resolution
267 * and better than microsecond precision on fast x86 machines with TSC.
268 */
269 void do_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv)
270 {
271 unsigned long flags;
272 unsigned long usec, sec;
274 read_lock_irqsave(&xtime_lock, flags);
275 usec = do_gettimeoffset();
276 {
277 unsigned long lost = jiffies - wall_jiffies;
278 if (lost)
279 usec += lost * (1000000 / HZ);
280 }
281 sec = xtime.tv_sec;
282 usec += xtime.tv_usec;
283 read_unlock_irqrestore(&xtime_lock, flags);
285 while (usec >= 1000000) {
286 usec -= 1000000;
287 sec++;
288 }
290 tv->tv_sec = sec;
291 tv->tv_usec = usec;
292 }
Here we can see the xtime.tv_sec appears as long integer.
do_gettimeofday is i386 specific implementation.
The general time.c appearing under /kernel contains the:
97 asmlinkage long sys_gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz)
98 {
99 if (tv) {
100 struct timeval ktv;
101 do_gettimeofday(&ktv);
102 if (copy_to_user(tv, &ktv, sizeof(ktv)))
103 return -EFAULT;
104 }
105 if (tz) {
106 if (copy_to_user(tz, &sys_tz, sizeof(sys_tz)))
107 return -EFAULT;
108 }
109 return 0;
110 }
sys_gettimeofday system call function for user mode programs that requires time info.
This function calls the do_gettimeofday function. We see that timeval is used
everywhere and for i386 it''''s not safe.
And lastly the kernel code includes a notice about 2038 bug.
Here it''''s:
52 /* Converts Gregorian date to seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.
53 * Assumes input in normal date format, i.e. 1980-12-31 23:59:59
54 * => year=1980, mon=12, day=31, hour=23, min=59, sec=59.
55 *
56 * [For the Julian calendar (which was used in Russia before 1917,
57 * Britain & colonies before 1752, anywhere else before 1582,
58 * and is still in use by some communities) leave out the
59 * -year/100+year/400 terms, and add 10.]
60 *
61 * This algorithm was first published by Gauss (I think).
62 *
63 * WARNING: this function will overflow on 2106-02-07 06:28:16 on
64 * machines were long is 32-bit! (However, as time_t is signed, we
65 * will already get problems at other places on 2038-01-19 03:14:08)
66 */
67 static inline unsigned long
68 mktime (unsigned int year, unsigned int mon,
69 unsigned int day, unsigned int hour,
70 unsigned int min, unsigned int sec)
71 {
72 if (0 >= (int) (mon -= 2)) { /* 1..12 -> 11,12,1..10 */
73 mon += 12; /* Puts Feb last since it has leap day */
74 year -= 1;
75 }
77 return (((
78 (unsigned long) (year/4 - year/100 + year/400 + 367*mon/12 + day) +
79 year*365 - 719499
80 )*24 + hour /* now have hours */
81 )*60 + min /* now have minutes */
82 )*60 + sec; /* finally seconds */
83 }
And in some sections of the code i found this text:
9 * Pad space is left for:
10 * - 64-bit time_t to solve y2038 problem
11 * - 2 miscellaneous 32-bit values
12 */
This means there is not a fix for the problem for now but at least some little work
is going on.
4 - Testing the problem y2k38 bug
Now the part comes: How we can test it.
While researching on topic i found some test codes. - A test perl script
---- cut here -----
use POSIX;
$ENV{''''TZ''''} = GMT;
for ($clock = 2147483641; $clock
int main(void)
long clock;
for (clock=2147483641;clock<2147483651;clock++)
return 1;
---- cut here -----
Again i tested it within the same machine. Here is the output:
20194562@mail:~/2038bug$ ./y2k38
Tue Jan 19 05:14:01 2038
Tue Jan 19 05:14:02 2038
Tue Jan 19 05:14:03 2038
Tue Jan 19 05:14:04 2038
Tue Jan 19 05:14:05 2038
Tue Jan 19 05:14:06 2038
Tue Jan 19 05:14:07 2038
Fri Dec 13 22:42:48 1901
Fri Dec 13 22:42:49 1901
Fri Dec 13 22:42:50 1901
Here is the machine info:
20194562@mail:~/2038bug$ uname -a
Linux mail 2.4.16 #2 Tue Dec 4 14:47:43 EET 2001 i686 unknown
less /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 8
model name : Pentium III (Coppermine)
stepping : 10
cpu MHz : 800.047
cache size : 256 KB
fdiv_bug : no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug : no
coma_bug : no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 2
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat p
se36 mmx fxsr sse
bogomips : 1595.80
As we see this is a problemed box.
5 - Fixes? y2k38 bug
There are two type of fixes:
- Software fix
- Hardware fix
Software fix is using a data type that can handle bigger values. (For example windows
NT based system uses 64bit value). Or maybe using some other algorithms.
Hardware fix is using 64bit platforms that threats long values larger.
Here is Free Software Foundation''''s statement on topic:
This 32-bit count will overflow in 2038; but there will be no problem in that year,
because by then all systems will have redefined time_t to be a 64-bit integer.
What we can do now? We must force all *nix vendors to make the fix. Every seconds
ticks, we get closer to bug which is a really big Crash.
6 - Another Interesting Issue y2k38 bug
Here is another interesting isssue:
timeval is used also within the schudeler. In the desicion of choosing correct
process to run timeval structure takes place in Linux. I''''ll make future works
on issue and try to make some cracking with process timers.
7 - Resources y2k38 bug
Here is some resources i used while writing this paper.
* Originally I read the issue from:
I want to specially thank author of this article.
* Kernel Projects For Linux, Gary Nutt ISBN: 0-201-61243-7
Aslinda ses teknolojisini hayatlarini kolaylastirmak icin istiyorlar :
Mesela 1 ay kadar once rahatsizligim icin hastaneye gitmistim.Oradaki erkek hemsirelerden biri burada yurume dedi.Bende burasi hastane hapisane degil dedim.Adamin arkasindan diger bir hemsire burada yurume demek istedi bu sefer aldigi cevap cok sert olunca bir daha kimse gelip ugrasmak istemedi :)
Ama gorunen o ki hastane yonetimi bundan haberdar oldu ve bir kac gun sonra (daha once onlarca kez girip ciktigim hastaneden daha once olmadigi sekilde) bir telefon aldim.Kadin dediki bir anket yapmak istiyoruz kabul ediyormusun :)
Olur dedim neden olmasin? Bir bilgisayar girdi devreye yaklasik 20-30 dakikalik bir anket ve genel olarak hastane personeli ile ilgili sorular :)
Sorular secmeli poor,fair gibi seceneklerden birisini konusarak seciyorsun.Ornegin Hastanaemize acil olarak gelirmsiniz-istermisiniz diyor? yes veya no olarak iki secenekten birini soyluyorsun.Diger soruya geciliyor boylece.
Bir diger ornek te kutuphane de yasadigim :
Ornegin kitabi unutunca adamlar bilgisayar destekli bir sistem sayesinde evini ariyor ve telesekreter devreye girdiginde algilarayarak beep sesini bekliyor ve mesaj birakiyor-Makine tonunda konusan bir kadin :)
veya sen cikarsan telefona sesini algiliyor ve konusmaya basliyor :)
Yani ses teknolojisi cok onemli.Mesela bu isi beceririrlerse,bizde web sitesindeki anketlerimizi sesli hale getirebiliriz ;)Yani bu teknolojiye herkez kavusmus olur.
Bu adamlar yasadiklari kulture hizmet etmiyorlar mi?
Onlarin amaci dunyanin en evrensel linuxunumu yaratmak?Eger oyle olsaydi soyle yazmazdi adam :
There are more german articles available.
Almanca dilindeki makalaler diger butun dillerdeki makalelerden daha fazladir.
Siteye istersen 150 dilde yaz olusturdugun bilgi veritabani almanca ise olay biter...
Turkiyenin evrensel bir linux dagitimina degil,ulusal bir linux dagitimina ihtiyaci vardir.Yaratilan tum kaynaklar almanca olmasaydi senin dedigine katilirdim.Ama be yazik ki olay boyle degil...Keske bizde kendi ulusal dagitimimiza sahip olsaydikta onunla ilgili yarattigmiz turkce kaynaklar ile daha fazla turku bu isletim sistemini kullandiyior durumda gorseydik.Olmadi :( Bunda kimsenin hatasi yok..Ama bunu basarmaya calisan insanlara da bu sekilde yaklasmak bence yanlis...Unutma ki onlar once 50 milyon turke karsi sorumlu.Konu para kazanmak ta degil..Onlari bizlerin odedigi vergiler ile okuttuk.Simdi hepimiz belirli bir yerdeysek bu milletin calismasi sayesinde odenen paralarla aldigimiz egitime borcluyuz...
Sonuc olarak almanlar veya amerikalailarin evrensellik sacmaliklarina aldirmadan,toplumsal sorumlulugumuzu bilerek konuya yaklasmali ve elimizden geldiginice herseyi ulusal sinirlar icine sokmaliyiz...
Bunu yapmadigimiz iicin simdi cekoslavaklarin bile savasan sahinleri olmasina ragmen bizim ucuracak maket ucak projemiz bile yok :(
Neyimiz var ? Hicbirseyimiz yok :(
Biryerlerden baslamak ve tecrublerimizi gelecek nesillere Turkce olarak aktarmaliyiz.Cok mu zor hayir...
Bu baslangic belki de Gelecek Linux''tur :)
Not: Senin demek istedigin veya gelmek istedigin noktayi cok iyi biliyoum ve sana katiliyorum.Ama simdi bunu yapabilmemeizin imkani yok :( 1 saniyede bir odanin sicakligini 0 dan 100 dereceye cikaramassin...Hersey sirayla olacaktir.
Konumuzla herhangi bir alakasi yok yazdiklarinizin ne yazik ki :)
Birileri diyorki nasil olsa treni kacirdik bari insanlar bunu anlamasin :)
Adam yukarida demiski ulusal isletim sistemi gibi ucube laflar kullanmayin :(
Sonrada kalkmis diyorki alman linux amerikan linuxmu var ?
Tabiki var efendim :) Hani sizin ove ove bitiremediginiz SuSE bir alman linux''udur.Hani su arada ikinci alternatif olarak baktiginiz RedHat ise amerikan linux''udur.Nerede pazarlandigi onemli degil.Onemli olan onun getirdigi KDV''nin parasal olarak nereye gittigidir.
Simdi almanlarin suse''den kazandigi degerleri getirip Turkiyede mi harcamasini bekliyorsunuz ?
Saygilar :)
Serkan Hadi Ceylani
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