Online search provider Google's announcement of a new free email service caused rampant speculation that the plan was an April Fool's Day prank. But Jonathan Rosenberg, Google vice president of products, confirmed: "We are very serious about Gmail."
Because of the date of its press release, April 1, Google representatives confirmed and reconfirmed the email service is a legitimate project. The company is promising to provide up to 500 times more storage space for users than the email services provided by Microsoft Hotmail and Yahoo. According to Google co-founder and president, Larry Page, the inspiration for Gmail came from a Google user complaining about the poor quality of existing email services.
"She kvetched about spending all her time filing messages or trying to find them", Page said. "And when she's not doing that, she has to delete email like crazy to stay under the obligatory four megabyte limit. So she asked: Can't you people fix this?" A handful of users will begin testing the preview version of Gmail, which should be generally available within weeks or months. The free email service will let each user hold on to about 500,000 pages of email and search through these messages using the familiar Google search interface. "It is April Fool's Day. We were having fun with this announcement," said Jonathan Rosenberg, Google vice president of products. "We are very serious about Gmail."
kusura bakma hocam, o zaman ben "bazen" karşılaştığım hoş olmayan bazı davranışları, genellemiş, gereksiz bir alınganlık göstermişim... özür dilerim
Konuya dönmek gerekirse..ürünü test ettim, kullanımı oldukça basit, menuleri araciligi ile local bir diske imaj alamiyor fakat uzaktaki bir ftp servera image alip, restore etme konusunda oldukça başarılı..dağıtımı mini cdye kaydedip, localdeki bir ftp serverada genelde kurulumlarını yaptığınız işletim sistemlerinin disk imajlarini atarsanız, operasyonel işlerinizi oldukça hafifletebilirsiniz...(ahh keske usb stickten de boot edebilseydi :) )
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Yalnız beni üzen ve kaygılandiran bir gerçeğin de altini çizmek isterim, eski paylaşım, hoşgörü ve yardımlaşma günden güne yerini garip bir asabiyete, laf sokma ve kusur arama kaygısına bırakmakta olduğunu seziyorum...umarim ben paranoyağımdır ve yanılıyorumdur...sevgiyle kalin
sevgi, saygı...linux
Gerçekten okuyunca gözlerim parladı...içerikten çok konuyu unutmamınız ve vakit ayırmanız çok hoş bir davranış. Konuyla ilgili ben de bir kaç kaynak bulmuştum, ilgilenen arkadaşlar için;
Google´den email servisi ( 6)
Because of the date of its press release, April 1, Google representatives confirmed and reconfirmed the email service is a legitimate project. The company is promising to provide up to 500 times more storage space for users than the email services provided by Microsoft Hotmail and Yahoo. According to Google co-founder and president, Larry Page, the inspiration for Gmail came from a Google user complaining about the poor quality of existing email services.
"She kvetched about spending all her time filing messages or trying to find them", Page said. "And when she's not doing that, she has to delete email like crazy to stay under the obligatory four megabyte limit. So she asked: Can't you people fix this?" A handful of users will begin testing the preview version of Gmail, which should be generally available within weeks or months. The free email service will let each user hold on to about 500,000 pages of email and search through these messages using the familiar Google search interface. "It is April Fool's Day. We were having fun with this announcement," said Jonathan Rosenberg, Google vice president of products. "We are very serious about Gmail."