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C Programlama Dilinin Evrimi ( 2)

High School/Jr.High 10 PRINT HELLO WORLD 20 END First year in College program Hello(input, output) begin writeln(''Hello World'') end. Senior year in College (defun hello (print (cons ''Hello (list ''World)))) New professional #include void main(void) { char *message[] = {Hello , World}; int i; for(i = 0; i Seasoned professional #include #include class string { private: int size; char *ptr; public: string() : size(0), ptr(new char(''\0'')) {} string(const string &s) : size(s.size) { ptr = new char[size + 1]; strcpy(ptr, s.ptr); } ~string() { delete [] ptr; } friend ostream &operator Master Programmer [ uuid(2573F8F4-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] library LHello { // bring in the master library importlib(actimp.tlb); importlib(actexp.tlb); // bring in my interfaces #include pshlo.idl [ uuid(2573F8F5-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] cotype THello { interface IHello; interface IPersistFile; }; }; [ exe, uuid(2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820) ] module CHelloLib { // some code related header files importheader(); importheader(); importheader(); importheader(pshlo.h); importheader(shlo.hxx); importheader(mycls.hxx); // needed typelibs importlib(actimp.tlb); importlib(actexp.tlb); importlib(thlo.tlb); [ uuid(2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820), aggregatable ] coclass CHello { cotype THello; }; }; #include ipfix.hxx extern HANDLE hEvent; class CHello : public CHelloBase { public: IPFIX(CLSID_CHello); CHello(IUnknown *pUnk); ~CHello(); HRESULT __stdcall PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString); private: static int cObjRef; }; #include #include #include #include #include thlo.h #include pshlo.h #include shlo.hxx #include mycls.hxx int CHello::cObjRef = 0; CHello::CHello(IUnknown *pUnk) : CHelloBase(pUnk) { cObjRef++; return; } HRESULT __stdcall CHello::PrintSz(LPWSTR pwszString) { printf(%ws , pwszString); return(ResultFromScode(S_OK)); } CHello::~CHello(void) { // when the object count goes to zero, stop the server cObjRef--; if( cObjRef == 0 ) PulseEvent(hEvent); return; } #include #include #include pshlo.h #include shlo.hxx #include mycls.hxx HANDLE hEvent; int _cdecl main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { ULONG ulRef; DWORD dwRegistration; CHelloCF *pCF = new CHelloCF(); hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); // Initialize the OLE libraries CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CoRegisterClassObject(CLSID_CHello, pCF, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, REGCLS_MULTIPLEUSE, &dwRegistration); // wait on an event to stop WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); // revoke and release the class object CoRevokeClassObject(dwRegistration); ulRef = pCF->Release(); // Tell OLE we are going away. CoUninitialize(); return(0); } extern CLSID CLSID_CHello; extern UUID LIBID_CHelloLib; CLSID CLSID_CHello = { /* 2573F891-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */ 0x2573F891, 0xCFEE, 0x101A, { 0x9A, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x34, 0x28, 0x20 } }; UUID LIBID_CHelloLib = { /* 2573F890-CFEE-101A-9A9F-00AA00342820 */ 0x2573F890, 0xCFEE, 0x101A, { 0x9A, 0x9F, 0x00, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x34, 0x28, 0x20 } }; #include #include #include #include #include #include pshlo.h #include shlo.hxx #include clsid.h int _cdecl main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { HRESULT hRslt; IHello *pHello; ULONG ulCnt; IMoniker * pmk; WCHAR wcsT[_MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wcsPath[2 * _MAX_PATH]; // get object path wcsPath[0] = ''\0''; wcsT[0] = ''\0''; if( argc > 1) { mbstowcs(wcsPath, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]) + 1); wcsupr(wcsPath); } else { fprintf(stderr, Object path must be specified ); return(1); } // get print string if(argc > 2) mbstowcs(wcsT, argv[2], strlen(argv[2]) + 1); else wcscpy(wcsT, LHello World); printf(Linking to object %ws , wcsPath); printf(Text String %ws , wcsT); // Initialize the OLE libraries hRslt = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) { hRslt = CreateFileMoniker(wcsPath, &pmk); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) hRslt = BindMoniker(pmk, 0, IID_IHello, (void **)&pHello); if(SUCCEEDED(hRslt)) { // print a string out pHello->PrintSz(wcsT); Sleep(2000); ulCnt = pHello->Release(); } else printf(Failure to connect, status: %lx, hRslt); // Tell OLE we are going away. CoUninitialize(); } return(0); } Apprentice Hacker #!/usr/local/bin/perl $msg=Hello, world. ; if ($#ARGV >= 0) { while(defined($arg=shift(@ARGV))) { $outfilename = $arg; open(FILE, > . $outfilename) || die Can''t write $arg: $! ; print (FILE $msg); close(FILE) || die Can''t close $arg: $! ; } } else { print ($msg); } 1; Experienced Hacker #include #define S Hello, World main(){exit(printf(S) == strlen(S) ? 0 : 1);} Seasoned Hacker % cc -o a.out ~/src/misc/hw/hw.c % a.out Guru Hacker % echo Hello, world. New Manager 10 PRINT HELLO WORLD 20 END Middle Manager mail -s Hello, world. bob@b12 Bob, could you please write me a program that prints Hello, world.? I need it by tomorrow. ^D Senior Manager % zmail jim I need a Hello, world. program by this afternoon. Chief Executive % letter letter: Command not found. % mail To: ^X ^F ^C % help mail help: Command not found. % damn! !: Event unrecognized % logout Anonymous

DeepBlue, IBM ve GO ( 13)

Internet’te yayımladığım öykülerin ya da yazıların altından ismim silinip forward edilmesi sonucu isimsiz bir yazar oluverdim. Sadece kadının değil yazarın da adı yok bu ülkede. Hatta kendi öyküm dönüp dolaşıp bana geldi. Bunu engellemek için basit bir yol buldum. Ya öykünün kahramanını Mehmet Emin Arı yapıyorum ya da kendi adımı bir yerde öyküye kahramanın arkadaşı dostu vs. olarak dahil ediyorum. Alfred Hickock’un kendi çektiği filmlerde kısacık görünmesi gibi ben de kendi eserlerimde şöyle bir görünüyorum (!). İnanın bu megalomanlıktan ya da narsizmden kaynaklanmıyor. Sadece adsız olmak istemiyorum.

DeepBlue, IBM ve GO ( 13)

birkaç gün önce okumuştum, gerçekten mükemmel. ama yaşanmamış! Di mi? (gülmek yok!)