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Windows Vista yüklemek 2 dakika ! ( 43)

ha birde "makeRequestGeneric is not defined" mevzusu var demiş amcanın biri onuda ekleyeyim

Windows Vista yüklemek 2 dakika ! ( 43)

konuyla alakasız olacak ama yorumların artık neden Yuvalanmış ( &cmode=nested ) olarak görüntülenemediğini sorabilirmiyim ?
her yorumu okumak için tek tek tıklamak zorundamıyım ?
yada okumak zorunda değil miyim ?
madem istemiyorsunuz okumayayım bari...

Tanımlanmamış Trojan Loader ( 25)

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Should I let you fall?
Lose it all?
So maybe you can remember yourself.
Can't keep believing,
We're only deceiving ourselves.
And I'm sick of the lie,
And you're too late.

MySQL GNU/Linux Desteğini Sınırladı ( 3)

Update: 12/13 20:52 GMT by J : MySQL AB's Director of Architecture (and former Slash programmer) Brian Aker corrects an apparent miscommunication in a blog post: "we are just starting to roll out [Enterprise] binaries... We don't build binaries for Debian in part because the Debian community does a good job themselves... If you call MySQL and you have support we support you if you are running Debian (the same with Suse, RHEL, Fedora, Ubuntu and others)... someone in Sales was left with the wrong information" Türkçe Özeti; satış departmanımızdan biri sizi yanlış bilgilendirmiş, ...